Date: February 22nd, 2025

Venue: Pequea Valley High School

Address: 4033 E Newport Rd, Kinzers, PA 17535

Doors Open at 5PM | Event Begins at 6PM


*card subject to change | no refunds




1: Time Limit Round

2: Sudden Death Round *if necessary

3: Takedown To Win Round *if necessary


Match will begin with a set time limit. If the match sees no finish it will go into Round 2.

ROUND TWO *if necessary

If the match doesn’t have a winner after the time limit is up, it will go into Sudden Death. Sudden Death will have three positions… Back Take, Armbar, and Triangle. 

You will begin in each position and start the match from there. 2 minutes will be placed on the clock. 

If you submit your opponent before he escapes, he will have a chance to submit you before you’re declared the winner. If you escape before he submits you, you win the match! However If your opponent escapes before you submit him it will move into armbar and if necessary triangle following. The sudden death rounds will run through one full cycle of all three positions before moving to Round 3.

Back Take Objective: Submit your opponent from the back. The person taking the back starts with an over/under, seatbelt grip. The person who has their back taken must escape before being submitted. As you start to escape, if your opponent ends up mounting you, this IS considered an escape from the back. Additionally, ANY top position your opponent ends up on is also considered an escape from the back.Arm Bar Objective: Submit your opponent before he escapes. The attacking person will position their legs over their opponent's neck and chest in an armbar position. He will post his hand closest to his opponent's head on the mat. His other arm will vine inside his opponent's defending arm and grab his own thigh. The defending person will grab his hand, wrist or forearm.

Arm Bar Objective: Submit your opponent before he escapes. The attacking person will position their legs over their opponent's neck and chest in an armbar position. He will post his hand closest to his opponent's head on the mat. His other arm will vine inside his opponent's defending arm and grab his own thigh. The defending person will grab his hand, wrist or forearm. 

Triangle Objective: Submit your opponent from the triangle position to start the round, the bottom competitor will apply the triangle position. He will place both his hands on the mat or behind his head. The top, defending competitor MUST be able to post his triangled-arm, palm-down on the mat. The bottom, attacking competitor may cross their legs anyway they want, as long as they do NOT prevent the top competitor from posting palm-down on the mat. This will go through twice. If no-one gains submission, it will go into...

ROUND THREE *if necessary

Takedown to win:

First person to gain a takedown and secure a dominant position, wins the match.

The rules are as follows:

BLACK Belt , MAIN EVENT & Championship Bout Rules:

● Matches will be 10 minutes

● Straight foot-lock (achilles) ALLOWED

● Heel Hooks ALLOWED

● Straight Knee Bars ALLOWED

● Twisting foot-locks (figure-4, estima) ALLOWED

● Reaping ALLOWED

BROWN & PURPLE Belt Rules:

● Matches will be 8 minutes

● Straight foot-lock (achilles) ALLOWED

● Heel Hooks ALLOWED

● Straight Knee Bars ALLOWED

● Twisting foot-locks (figure-4, estima) ALLOWED

● Reaping ALLOWED

BLUE & WHITE Belts + Tournament Rules:

● Matches will be 6 minutes

● Straight foot-lock (Achilles) ALLOWED


● Straight Knee Bars ALLOWED

● Twisting foot-locks (figure-4, estima) NOT ALLOWED

● Heel Hooks NOT ALLOWED


No knuckles to front of throat

No cervical locks *Twisters are ALLOWED for Purple, Brown, & Black Belts

No slamming from the guard or triangle choke


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